When I first read the instructions for this post I was terrified I had never heard of a podcast before. After researching podcast I learned it was nothing to be afraid of, a podcast is merely a digital media file. Once the fear was gone I plunged into the assignment head first and listened to the six podcast listed below:
SmartBoard Lessons Podcast
MacBreak Weekly
This Week in Photography
The podcast were very informative, I learned more than just the information being discussed. By listening to each podcast I received a deeper understanding of what a podcast is, how it is made, and how to locate them. Each podcast was different in its own way yet they all fell into a general mold. The podcasts were set up like radio talk shows minus the commercials. Every podcast had attention grabbing introduction, a discussion and a question and answer segment. Audile podcast allows the listener to be in control unlike radio talk show. The listener can listen to any episode at any time any were and since there are no commercials the listener has more time to listen and learn about what is being discussed in the pod cast. That makes podcasts a wonderful advancement for the fast pace world we live in today.
One of my favorite podcasts was the SmartBoard Lesson Podcast because it delivered great information in an easy to follow format. I liked the way they discussed relating math in movies to math in the class room. Movies often times have mathematical references that the subconscious picks up. If a student does not understand something the teacher can connect it to a movie the student is already familiar with and help form a deeper understanding. This information stuck out to me because it was easy to follow and relate to. The talk show hosts made smooth transactions between topics and did not draw on one topic to long which I believe keep the information flowing and fresh.
My least favorite podcast was MacBreak Weekly I found it to be boring. This podcast gave a lot of in depth information that I found hard to stay focused on. It was probably hard for me to focus because they did not discuss anything that interested me. This podcast would be very informative for a person that already has a strong understanding of computers and computer programs. Personally it is like listening to a foreign language because I am computer illiterate. This podcast was at a level higher then my understanding and I believe I would profit more from one at an intermediate level.
In conclusion I found podcasts to be a remarkable way to keep up with our rapidly changing life styles. A podcast is an easy and effective way to learn numerous things. I believe all podcast follow a certain format but some are easier to follow. If a podcast flows smoothly to subject without over evaluating a subject the listener is more likely to stay focused as I was. I also believe podcasts deliver information at different levels like math, you cannot master calculus before you can solve long division, and you have to build a foundation of information in which you can build from.