As I watched last semester’s EDM 310 class video cast called Tech Literate Teach I thought about what I could do different. I thought the videocast was put together very well it just needs to be smoothed out around the edges.
The first thing I will do to improve the quality of my videocast is connect more with the audience. The students did not look at the camera when they spoke and I felt this made them seem distant and boring. It was hard to focus on the speaker because I could barely tell which one was speaking. If the students would have simply been aware of where the camera was at all times and looked at it while speaking instead of turning away from the camera I feel it would have improved the video a lot.
The students also lacked charisma. I believe that is because they were reading from their papers most of the time. I did not feel the student’s passion for the subject which in return did not ignite my passion for the subject. The students spoke in a block like format that showed little emotion about the topic being discussed. I believe if the students would have spoke freely and reacted with each other the video would have show more raw emotion about the subject.
I also believe the show could have used a better hook to grab their audiences’ attention. I am not saying the show should be so overwhelmed with special effects that the message is drowned out but there needs to be a good balance. I think simply sound effects can be used to enhance the videos’ appeal. They could have used a clapping sound effect for introductions. Also the camera could move to focus on the current speaker and show different angles to keep the viewers eyes intrigued. Overall the videocast was a great beginner videocast it was very basic and straight forward which can become boring to watch but with a few slight adjustments can improve its appeal to the audience.
I also viewed The benefits of podcasting in the classroom to enhance my knoldge of podcasts and better prepare me for creating my own.
I truly enjoyed reviewing this podcast I found it to be very informative. Hearing the many advantages of using podcasts in the class room was astonishing. Teachers can make a podcast of all their lectures and post them on a class website. Students can use this feature in several different ways. If a student is home sick he or she can still view the class lecture so they do not fall behind. The student can also use the podcast to isolate different areas of the lecture they did not understand the first time it was presented. The podcast can also be used as a review for tests.
Teachers can take the podcast one more step and allow the student to make the podcast for the lecture. This will sparks creativity and higher levels of thinking. The podcast make learning fun and interactive which intrigues them to continue learning. Students can engage in role playing to create impressionable podcast for their classmates. This teaches students more than just the lesson being discussed it also teaches them computer skills and instills them with confidence.
In conclusion podcast are a wonderful way to enhance the classroom if used properly. The only down side I see to it is not every family has a home computer with internet access. Growing up as a child in my parent house we did not have a computer. I believe more people have computers now but not all families can afford them. This can make it really difficult for those children to keep up with the material in the classroom and ultimately succeed.
Good Blog.