I believe having students post their work on blogs like blogger.com and other ways on the Internet is a great idea for several reasons. If students are submitting all their work on line then paper copies will begin to become obsolete. This will decrease pollution and save the beautiful oak treesfor shade. Another advantage of using blogs is that when you publish a post not only can the teacher and your peers view it but anyone that has Internet access can as well. This allows students to view their peers work and learn from them. Also by posting blogs you have to power to effect people that seem worlds away. For example when the elementary students of the PS22 Chorus in New York City posted Landslide they had no idea the effect it would make on people.Stevie Nick's manager heard that song and it touched her so deeply that she invited them to preform in Madison Square Garden for Sleetwood Mac show. That was a great opportunity for those students that they would have missed out on if they never posted their work. Just like Dear Kaia her father posted her photo essay to show family and friends but it ended up in a class room in Missouri raising awareness about the Last Child in the Woods. Blogs can also be used as a resume. Future employers can view your blog to get a better grasp of who you are and your work ethic in order to help them decide if they should hire you or not.
Blogs are no doubt the new for learning. Blogs are also useful tool for businesses and other careers. Several teachers have blogs in which they talk about crisis they have been faced with in the classroom and productive ways to solve them. This forms some what of a life line in which other teachers can give advice or it could also serve as preparation for future teachers such as myself. Blogs are useful tools that are becoming more and more prevalent and I believe they are a great tool to use in the class room.
Great post! loved the pictures!