The New Media Literacies Movie shed light on a new subject for me. The movie talks about eleven media skills they believe people need to be productive members of society. Our culture has changed a lot over the past twenty years. People are no longer considered just the consumer of media but the producer of media as well. That makes these skills more prevalent for the common person; these skills are no longer only needed for work and school but for everyday tasks.
The media skills needed are judgment, negotiation, appropriation, play, transmedia navigation, simulation, collective intelligence, performance, distributed cognition, visualization and multitasking. I believe I possess six of these skills; appropriation, play, collective intelligence, performance, visualization and multitasking. Multitasking is one of my best overall traits and I believe it is because it is my way of life. I have to multitask every minute of my day because i am a full time student with a full time job and it can become exhausting. This is the future though and whether it is a bad or good thing I am not sure.
I do believe these are the skills that will be need to be effective artist, citizens and workers in the, not so far away, future. In that case I know I need to acquire the rest of these skills soon. To improve my judgment skills I will visit Dr. Christie's web-site page about evaluating web-sites. I can also find resources on her web-site to improve my negotiation and transmedia navigation. I believe the other skills can only be learnt through practice which is what I am doing in my EDM 310 class.
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