In Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Part 1 he talked about the incremental changes in writing such as: workspace, research the world, freely available documents and collaborate. Technology is now allowing people to create documents from their laptops instead of using just pen and paper. The process of researching is different now as well. A person can search the web for information for a research paper without ever leaving the comfort of their home. Technology is also helping preserve information because a web based document lives on forever unlike most paper documents that eventually end up in the trash. Web based documents will always be there unlike a book at a library. The new technology also opens the door for collaboration. People from around the world can work together to create a web based document from information online without ever physically meeting each other.
In Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Part 2 he discusses how he believes writing is fundamentally changing and what we need to reach that point. He believes we should begin to write using only the web. He believes we need to create beautiful, compelling compositions. He talked about how he did that with this video and the impact it had. If he would have done it differently it would not have made such a large impact on the world and it would have taken a lot longer for it to circulate. Miller also talks about the need to create a program to teach people to compose this way. He also believes we need inspiring teachers of new media composing and spaces that foster collaborative learning.
I believe Miller has a great point and wonderful ideas but there are still a few kinks to work out. I do not feel I am prepared to write with multimedia at this point in time but I believe with proper instruction I could be. I believe it will take a few years before this method hits mainstream and becomes prevalent in the public classroom. I am not sure if my students will be able to do this in my first couple of years teaching just because we do not have the resources for it yet but I believe eventually I will be teaching this concept and using it in the classroom.
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